Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It's Haiti!

PJ left and not too long afterwards we did not have water ... hmmmmmmm. So the way things work around here is when nothing works, everything just works anyways somehow. The guesthouse switches fromEDH (city power) that is available a few hours a day and is not quite on a schedule, a generator, and a battery. It is quite a system they have flipping circuit
s, unplugging the fridge, filling up the generator. Somehow when EDH is "bad" it messes with the pump for the water. Today it was bad and the pump no longer works. That means no showers (hot or cold), no toilet flushes. We can walk to the staffs house to get a bucket to shower if we want. It will "maybe" be back on tomorrow.

I gotta say though, I have been totally spoiled here. A comfy bed, a hot shower every day (minus today), plumbing, fans at every bed and power. Of course the stay has had its challenges but I feel very fortunate to be staying here.

I did have a little flight trouble and will be leaving early Haiti a day early, but arriving the same time to home. My flight on friday was delayed causing me to miss my flight home, so I am leaving on the one flight out a day before on Thursday, spending the night in Miami and then heading home. I have a feeling its going to take some serious effort and time to be presentable  acceptable landing in Miami. I'll go ahead and call this little 'look' Ive got going on here the cute 3rd world country volunteer look of the maladjusted American. Given my new flight, tomorrow will be my last full day in Haiti. I will certainly post a ton a pictures to each blog entry this coming week.

Ill make it home somehow -  like I said, everything just seems to work. One by one everyone is fetching a bucket and life will go on in the Heartline guesthouse, its just Haiti! Haiti is a place where cool and collected Ryan can greet someone with "Hey! How's malaria?!!" with a smile. Its a place where the car always starts, it just takes a little extra effort, and the power eventually will come back on, you just have to figure out how! In fact, we had one of those 2 nights ago! Ryan wrote about it in his blog - http://ryanandmelissaalberts.com/.
"It's Haiti!" :)

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