Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Pride and Prejudice

I drove with Ryan to take PJ to the airport this morning after breakfast. On our way back, in the normal Port Au Price traffic I got a front row seat to something pretttty cool. (PJ is going to be so jealous he missed this!!!) - There was a flag raising ceremony. EVERYDAY at 8am, everyone in a city that full of noise and hustle and bustle comes to a stop to pay respect to their country's flag. All of the car radio stations play the national anthem. Cars stop where they are and the people pause in place. The guards salute as the flag rises up the flag pole and the country's anthem rings through the streets. It didnt last long, but it was a great show of just how much pride and respect the Haitians have in their country. For better or for worse, the Haitians take pride in a country, their country, where many have prejudice.

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