Sunday, March 8, 2009


Another Ra Ra last night. This one started around 5am and went for about an hour. I snuck out on the balcony but didn't dare get too close to the rail. I captured some of the sound on my camera, then crawled back into bed - it sounded like a marching band was outside my window. I am certainly looking forward to a good nights sleep. Time has flown by, only 10 more days before I throw my 'do I haaaaaaaave to leave' fit at the airport. I cant wait for another work day to begin in the morning.

It's a comfort to know all these precious babies are in good hands. Almost 95% of the children at GLA have forever families. The facility is great and all the nannies and staff really care for these little ones. My favorite activity to do with my babies is to show them photo albums of their forever family, see their eyes light up, and know that they are going to be so happy one day! The one baby I had in the NICU has moved to a new nursery, and a few others have moved nurseries where babies are walking, so they can progress with those around them. I see little babies getting bigger and stronger everyday, its a great feeling.

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