Friday, March 6, 2009

First steps and toddler two steppin

I met the toddlers!! Yes, I've been sharing a house with them, heard them of course, but just met them! A little overwhelming. There are about 70 (68 maybe?) toddlers and 81 (which is low) babies, under the age of 2 at the nursery where I work. We drove in the driveway last night, rolled down the windows and they started dancing. It was absolutely adorable and I was completely wrapped up in 70 little giggles and non-stop dance requests and 'pick me up' motions. It was one of those moments I knew I'd never forget. After the dance party, we watched a movie and went to sleep... only... didnt sleep for very long.
I awoke to drums..shouting..whistles! It started far away, got louder, then faded, like a parade! In the morning, I was told that was called a 'Rah Rah', described as a 'Voodoo parade', which will be pretty common until Easter. If there another one passing through while I am here I plan on sneaking on the balcony to have a look!
In baby news: First steps! I confirmed that they were indeed first steps. I eagerly grabbed my video camera, snapped tons of pics and told everyone and showed her off. All it took was some time out of the nursery and some encouragement. She was smiling and laughing the whole time, she was so proud of herself! I can't wait to keep working with her and get her running around. It's another beautiful day in Haiti -time to get to work!

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