Monday, March 2, 2009

Almost there!

It’s just a matter of hours before my cab comes to take me to the airport (3:50am – sleep suggestions welcome??), so I thought I’d add in a quick note.

I love challenging myself, both, emotionally and physically; I love learning about other people and cultures and taking myself out of my comfort zone. This trip will be doing all that, but to a whole new level and extreme… and while I am obviously so excited I am also to the point where I am stressed/anxious and just so ready to get there. While I was sitting in the middle of my room last night flustered, clothes everywhere, with a long ‘to-do’ list in hand, I couldn’t help but smile as I rolled tiny little ‘I <3 DC' shirts into my suitcase!

I have a short layover in Miami (just enough time to join Michael Weston and Fiona on an adventure..!!). After walking to work this morning in about 5 inches of snow and my umbrella losing the battle against the blistering snow winds, I am looking forward to a little sunshine! The weather in Haiti looks like it will be in the upper 80s, lower 90s the time I am there.

<>News from Haiti: Second outbreak of chicken pox at GLA! As of a few days ago, there were still 19 children who needed to catch it, and at one point they had over 50 kids with fevers. Yikes! Also, in February, GLA was without power for 2 weeks. They have since gotten a new, older generated, but, that could very well happen to me while I am there. I am expecting the unexpected, looking forward to this adventure and trying my best to just go with the flow (I promise will try not to make a big fuss and urgently run to the internet, or panic and make a 10$ phone call to find out about this alleged Bachelor twist!) *btw I'm rooting for Molly.

I again wanted to take the time to say thanks to everyone for all their support and kind and encouraging words. I hope to update the blog as much as possible – I wont know what the internet situation is like until I get there. And again, the generator and stuff – who’s know what it will be like!

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