Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Octo-Volunteer/Death to the rooster.

Ok ok a few pictures! What an amazing day! I got to know each of my 8 babies and one of them met their forever family yesterday afternoon. They are amazing and I am in love with everyone of them. Last night we had a missionary come and had Bible study. I took one of my babies to join me and she fell asleep - an amazing end to a tiring first day. The above picture is what I spend my days looking at - the view from the balcony! Amazing!!!
Although, I have never wanted to kill any living animal more in my life than last night with the roosters. There was some sort of mating or dispute going on last night and the Virginia in me desperately craved a shotgun.

Good news is that I have a cup of coffee this morning to go with my bowl of Marshmallow Dream (ie LuckyCharms). I wonder if the NY Deli in DC is going bankrupt without my coffee business? I hope the cashier doesnt think I gave up hope that she would find me (aka 'Extra Cream Cheese Girl') a 'rich boyfriend' so I could retire and never have to drink coffee. Needless to say, life in Haiti is very different. :-)


Unknown said...

AMAZING view!!! love reading your blogs. I know you're having the most fantastic experience. thanks for sharing.

Michelle and Dan Sims said...

I am so proud of you and have tears in my eyes reading your blog. What an amazing thing you are doing.....