Friday, March 13, 2009

Another Happy Ending

I am so glad everyone has been 'keeping up'! I am trying to upload some more pics soon but I've learned patience with the Internet. I have some news to share! I'm quitting my job, renting out my apartment and moving to Haiti to live at GLA!! (ok ok, I'm kidding....) I'll be home Wednesday night :-)

The news is... the oldest girl here had a birthday today....15! (I thought she was around 12 or 13...) but no, 15, and as you can imagine that is pretty old to be living in the "Toddler House", but then again, 15 is too young to be on the streets. Uh oh.. another sad story Kristen...?? noooope... Her adoptive mom arrived last night!! Now, if that doesn't make you smile I don't know what will. :-)

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