Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Counting in Creole

Math Problems:

- Where is Radford going?
Answer: #1 spot - NCAA!!!! I wore my RU shirt yesterday one cares in Haiti.

- How many people can fit into a Haitian SUV *a normal SUV that can handle the roads and is located in Haiti*
Answer: 9 adults, 2 toddlers, 3 large suitcases, 4 backpacks, and 2 bags of breads

- How many hours of sleep do I get at night?
Answer: trick question, a full hour would be aweeeesome.

-How many black market DVDs arrived in Haiti around the same time I did?
(yeaaaa I know right? awesome haha) Answer: 3: Australia, Boy in the Striped Pajamas, and SLumdog Millionaire. Love movie nights with the volunteers and babies!

- In a single day, how many times do the Canadian volunteers say 'eh' ?
Answer: 452,876,234,863.
-How many children have birthdays in March?
Answer: 19! We had a birthday party for all of them! (one big one for the 19)
-What size does a spider have to be to make Kristen scream?
Answer: apppppparently 5 inches around. yeaaaaaaa. I was later told in Haiti that spiders can be the size of dinner plates, should I see one of these, expect the next blog to be entitled: Home Early.

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